Have you ever enjoyed a handful of flavorful pecans and wondered how those protein-packed, antioxidant-rich supernuts came to be? Their unique growing and harvesting process gives these delectable nuts their shape, size and rich taste. Explore how pecans grow and what makes them become the deliciously irresistible treats you know and love.
The Glorious Growth Stages for Pecans
Pecans grow in four main stages before they’re ready for harvesting — and peak enjoyment:
1. Tree Development
The growing journey kicks off with the seedling stage. Pecan trees take many years to develop their robust root system and strong trunk after being planted, ideally before the first freeze of the year. They stay in their youth stage, rapidly growing in height and width until they reach maturity.
It can take a pecan tree nearly a decade to start producing its delicious nuts after planting. At Pecan Nation, we cultivate our trees after they reach 10 years old.
2. Flowering and Pollination
After reaching full maturity, pecan trees begin their unique pollination cycle. Flowering typically happens during early spring. Pecan trees are monoecious, which means they grow both male and female flowers.
The male flowers release pollen from their long clusters of catkins. The wind carries the pecan tree’s pollen from the male flowers to their female counterparts — these are smaller and form in tight clusters, which are usually hard to see because they look more like spikes than flowers with petals.
3. Nut Development
Once the flowers on the pecan tree pollinate, fertilization happens. A tree will begin developing nuts from the fertilized female flowers, and nut growth will begin during the summer months.
The nuts grow in clusters on the ends of the tree’s branches, and each cluster has several individual nuts. Forming around the softer inner kernel — the buttery meat of the pecan and the part you get to snack on — is a hard outer shell that protects the developing nut.
4. Maturation Process
By autumn, the nuts mature, and the inner kernels fill out their outer shells as they reach their full size and rich flavor. Once fully mature, their shells begin to split open, revealing the deliciously ripe pecan nuts inside.
Most pecans are ready for harvest in mid-fall once their shells crack open. Here in Georgia, our pecan trees are typically harvested in October and November.
What It Takes to Grow the Perfect Pecan
Pecan trees need the perfect mix of environmental factors to thrive. These trees grow best in warm, humid climates like the Southeastern United States. In colder climates, pecan trees may not produce any nuts.
Soil quality is another important element for great growth. The best soil for strong rooting systems and robust nut production is deep, fertile and well-drained. Sandy loam — a mixture of sand, silt and clay — is typically best for optimal development.
Pecan trees do best in full sun. At least six hours of direct sunlight daily helps kickstart nut production. These trees also require regular watering, particularly during dry periods or droughts. Young pecan trees are especially sensitive to water and need plenty of it to grow and thrive.
With enough moisture, trees can grow pecans and stay healthy. But if their soil doesn’t provide proper drainage and the trees are overwatered, the excess moisture can result in root rot, which can harm the tree.
Pecan trees rely on cross-pollination and the wind for successful fertilization. Planting compatible trees close to each other is essential for supporting pollination and getting those buttery, delicious nuts ready for harvesting and snacking.
Where Do Pecans Grow?
Pecan tree production thrives in the warm climates of the South. Arizona, New Mexico and Texas are among the leading producers of the delicious nut, but no state competes with Georgia, the world’s leading producer of pecans. In fact, about 33% of all U.S. pecans are grown and harvested here, where the environmental conditions are perfectly suited for cultivating these incredible trees.
The farmers behind Pecan Nation have been growing pecans on our family’s 100-year-old Georgia orchards for over five generations. Our pecans are fresh, full of flavor and surely the tastiest pecans you’ve ever had!
Shop the Delectable Pecans From Pecan Nation
Looking for a naturally sweet, nutritious snack for on the go? The pecans from Pecan Nation are the highest quality and full of antioxidants. You can find various tasty flavors, including Maple, Honey Roasted and Cinnamon.
Shop mouthwatering pecans from Pecan Nation online or in-store today!